Web 3.0 Blockchain Innovation

Blockchain Technology allows us to give you a glimpse from the outside into our universe of things on the inside! " sharing Digital Trade Secrets with our clients Sustain Our Business Relationships just like it works in the music business" Perrie Kitching

We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result.

Blockchain is Gold

network, iot, internet of things


$1.5 Trillion Supply

Tap Into Staking Systems

1 billion users

Advanced Lead Gengenerating

3 billion searches

Google Searches per day

order market draft

Know one of our members? Ask them to refer you. Become an exclusive client today.

Our technologies

Our investors understand that we invest in technologies that achieve exact results.

Our innovations

Our network’s financial ecosystem is designed to take advertising dollars and optimize every member’s online exposure.

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Our Qualifications

Latest Research Technology & Company

After years of experience persuading business owners to sponsor his music when they would listen to a new original song, Perrie Kitching realized he created a new kind of business. Perrie embraced this concept and began to develop a digital empire full of digital history and records. Proof of the freedom of a new kind of ownership and music control.

Mr. Michael Buckholtz, embraced, developed, and protected the talent. Everything technically built in the digital marketing department has been built in a protected digital vault. Everything is connected to the unique personal contact based business network. Now utilizing technology, they invite you to become apart of their success.

I’m very grateful for every opportunity to be an encouragement to others.

Perrie Kitching Signiture
Perrie Kitching

Founder, CEO of KIMS

Our Expertise

email, email marketing, newsletter

Advanced Innovation

We have invested in technology that turns your data into gold

mobile, phone, social media

Web Traffic Campaigns

$50k sweat equity design packages that keep you visible online

web, network, information technology

Controlled Digital Market

When one business innovation succeeds, all accounts adopt the solution

Why Exec Authority?

We use expert execution of data and information on your behalf as in-house executives in order to help improve your business.

Advanced Technology

Google Data Bots, Inhouse SEO Software, Lead Generating Technologies

Unmatched Expertise

Data Import-Export Ownership, Keyword Corrective Campaigns, Organic Digital BDC Cloud Access, Customizable Solutions

Precise Result

Analysis Based Business Execution

Qualified executives

A Team Combined With Over 50 Years Experience

Why us?

We are referral-based and succeed faster based on our work ethic productivity, eliminating online decision risks, keeping integrity, and allowing awesome people to fuel our network.

What People Say About Us

Executive Authorization is the secret sauce of KIMS, shhh…this is a business secret. Play the video to learn more.

Ethan Shaw

These guys are awesome, super experts for sure! 

“Michael Buckholtz is very professional, and qualified for any music task you throw at him ”
woman, women, office
“The team over at SIMS referred me to the marketing division here in Florida, and I was not disappointed. They continually put my business all over the internet”
“Love them!”
woman, people, portrait

Expert Team

Michael Buckholtz “50 million record selling music producer” Carlos Moreta “25 years plus project & media management expert” Perrie Kitching “Songwriter Singer and digital marketing expert” Andrew Hyder “programmer and hedgefund expert”

Michael Buckholtz


Andrew Hyder

CEO of ChingUp Bank

Carlos Moreta

CEO of  Moreta Media Marketing

Perrie Kitching

CEO of KIMS & Blockchain Deployer

unique exposure

Welcome to a new circle of business